District Mandi Quick Facts -
Mandi is situated between 31°13'50'' and 32°04'30'' North Latitude and between 76°37'20'' and 77°23'15'' East Longitude. It is bounded by Kangra on the North-West, Hamirpur and Bilaspur in the West, Arki tehsil of Solan district on the South-West and Kullu district in the East.
Mandi ( altitude 754 meters )
The average altitude of district Mandi is 1044 meters above mean sea level.
Important Distances
Manali 110 km., Delhi 460 km., Dalhousie 360 km., Dharamshala 125 km., Pathankot 215 km., Chandigarh 210 km. and Shimla ( via Bilaspur ) 150 km.
STD Code
+91-1907 or 01907
Local Codes
SunderNagar 951907, JoginderNagar 951908, Sarkaghat 951905, Karsog 951907, Gohar 951907
Police Assistance
Fire Services
Hospital Casuality
DFO Forest Department ( headquarters )
Temperatures usually remains pleasant throughout the year. ranging from warm around mandi town and somewhat cold at high hills of Mandi.
Total population of Mandi town is 26,858 (according to Census 2001)
Best time to visit
All Season. Mandi can be visited any time of the year with relative ease.